Sunday, June 14, 2009

Toenail Fungus Treatment and Cure

Hot weather is once again with us - bringing nail fungus and problems as the temperatures and humidity rise. A toenail fungus treatment and cure can help alleviate itching, inflammation and discoloration using active ingredients that kill bacteria, restore normal keratin growth, and help heal damaged tissue.

Symptoms and Signs

A fungal infection arises when the spores of certain strains of fungi enter through a crack or gap in the nail surface, infecting underlying tissue. Bacteria and infection grows and spreads, forming yellow patches in the skin and Keratin (the hard part). Fungi thrive in warm, dark and moist places and wearing socks and shoes through the day can often accelerate damage and spread of infection.

Signs and symptoms include yellowing, pitting and darkening discoloration below the surface. Swollen, cracking and crumbling nails are generally clear evidence that a person has a fungal infection. To complicate matters, since toenails grow more slowly compared to fingernails, this makes it a relatively difficult condition to treat and identify.

Effective Cures and Treatments

It is best to take preventive measures as soon as signs are noticed and identified. Once deep-seeded infection sets in, it is difficult to treat because we are constantly on our feet (and mostly wearing shoes and socks!).

The best way to treat toenail fungus is by using a cream that has been specially formulated to eliminate and remove fungi, while helping heal damaged tissue. Some of the more important ingredients contained in a toenail fungus cream include Tolnaftate, which impedes fungi growth and Tea Tree Oil, an astringent, which is effective against fungi, bacteria and viruses. Capable of reducing inflammation and infections, Emu Oil is another essential ingredient in any good toenail fungus treatment. In addition, Emu Oil is also an amazing moisturizer, a natural anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory.

Keeping your feet clean and dry are the best things you can do towards preventing infection. But, if infection sets-in, use a toenail fungus treatment and cure that kills the bacteria and heals damaged skin.

Shop online at SkinEnergizer for KeriDerm Fungus Treatment to clear and heal toenail and fingernail fungus.

SkinEnergizer is aleading manufacturer of advanced skin care products and targeted solutions for wrinkles, cellulite, spider veins and Toenail Fungus Treatments.

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