Saturday, June 13, 2009

Toenail Fungus Remedy

Of all the infections that you can develop, toenail fungus is not the most serious, but it is the most difficult to cure. The main problem is that the infected area is protected by the nail itself as it grows in between the skin and the underside of the nail.

People search for remedies and are willing to try a host of different techniques in search of a toenail fungus remedy that works. If you have this problem then you have likely tried a number of different remedies yourself.

The other reason to seek out alternative treatments is that the over the counter oral treatments can have bad side effects. Alternatives that you can try at home consist of soaking the infected area. You can try soaking your toes in a vinegar or peroxide solution, mouthwash with anti bacterial properties like Listerine, chest rub or beer. Yes that is right - beer can be an effective toenail fungus remedy! There are probiotics in the beer like acidophilus and vinegar that can kill the fungus.

Different strains of toenail fungus will be affected by different solutions, so you may have to experiment to find out which one works best for the type of fungus you have. Beer contains bacteria that are created during the fermentation process. These same bacteria are also found naturally in the body where they suppress yeast growth and prevent fungus growth in the mouth. Since they are effective at combating fungus inside the body, it makes sense that they would be effective at combating fungus outside the body as well.

Beer is an inexpensive and convenient source of these fungus fighting bacteria and that is why it makes a good toenail fungus remedy. And as an added bonus, if you pick it up a six pack, you will have something to do while you sit around and soak your feet. One for the feet...five left for you: How terribly convenient.

Another option for soaking is Listerine or other mouthwashes. Like the beer you will need to soak your feet for a significant amount of time each day. But do not drink what is left in the bottle after you treat your feet! Stick to the beer for that part of the treatment. The disinfectant in the mouthwash is what attacks and kills the fungus. The downside is that it also kills the helpful bacteria on your skin that naturally help protect you from fungus growth.

This means that you had better not skip a day of soaking during treatment or the fungus will make a comeback with a vengeance. The full treatment may take a full month if you have lost the nail. You have to wait until a new nail has grown in to protect the vulnerable skin below. If you have been soaking every day, then there should not be any fungus left on the skin that is now protected by the new nail. If you are not careful however, the fungus will come back and you will have to start all over again.

For further information, please visit Toenail Fungus Treatment

Hayi Mansoor - EzineArticles Expert Author

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