Monday, June 22, 2009

How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus - 3 Step Treatment

It's uncomfortable. It's embarrassing. It's toenail fungus. How did it get there and how do you get rid of it? Fungus is a living organism that thrives in dark, moist places - in this case, under and around the toenail. Because your feet are encased in socks and shoes all day, the darkness and wetness from sweat create an ideal environment. Should your skin's pH level fluctuate too much, you toenail experiences trauma, or you have poor foot hygiene, the chances of developing fungus increase. So, how to get rid of toenail fungus? There are three main methods and each one should be given time to work before taking the next step.

Step #1 - Use a Topical Toenail Fungus Treatment

While prevention is the best medicine, a topical product is the cheapest and the most effective method of toenail fungus treatment. There are many different creams and ointments you can purchase meant specifically for fungus removal. Depending upon the severity, you may talk to your doctor first, or simply go to your local pharmacy and purchase an over-the-counter medication. Carefully read all the instructions and understand that it may take time for the medication to eradicate the fungus. In the meantime, make sure to minimize additional nail trauma and keep your feet as dry and out in the open as possible to prevent the fungus from spreading.

Step #2 - Prescription Oral Nail Fungus Medications

If you find that the topical toenail fungus treatment has done nothing, or your problem is already very severe, see your doctor for additional information. He or she may provide you with prescription oral medications that will kill the organism from the inside out. Prescription medication can be costly, though, and it will take time (some as long as 3 months) for the infection to completely go away. During that time you may experience numerous side effects, so be sure to read all the information your doctor provides you with so you know what may happen during that time. As you take the medication, another good idea on how to get rid of toenail fungus is to make sure your shoes dry out and avoid repeat uses of socks.

Step #3 - Nail Removal

The final method of how to get rid of toenail fungus is rather extreme. Nails are our natural protective guards for our fingers and toes, so nail removal should be considered only as a last resort. With no nail to live under, the fungus will die and leave you organism free. However, you will be toenail free as well. Schedule time with your doctor to discuss this option. Losing one toenail may be acceptable, but should all your toes be infected, the decision may be more difficult. Only your doctor will be able to decide if nail removal is your only option left in the battle against the fungus.

Always opt for a topical treatment before anything else. It can take time, but when it comes to how to get rid of toenail fungus, it can be the quickest and easiest method. Be sure to keep an eye on how you are treating your feet as well as your shoes and socks in order to avoid the same problem in the future.

Please visit us to see the top 3 nail fungus treatments rated by users and professionals.

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